Here are some great new features we have added in the past few weeks.
- Updated the forum topics page. Now when a post is replied to, the last person who replied will be displayed in bold.
- On the forum postings page the date was displaying in military time. This is updated to show the regular 12-hour time format.
- In the calendar admin there are new left, right and print icons.
- In your sent emails folder, there was an issue when you tried to delete emails. This is now fixed.
- Updated the Homes for Sale and Lots for Sale lists to display the Seller or Realtor and their contact info. This is so that a list can easily be printed and display all the info needed on one page.
- On the Homes and Lots for Sale detail pages we removed the “per month” text after the total price for the home.
- On your directory page, you can now sort by address making it easy to identify duplicate entries.